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00001 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 /** @file GoUctCommands.cpp */
00003 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00005 #include "SgSystem.h"
00006 #include "GoUctCommands.h"
00008 #include <fstream>
00009 #include <boost/format.hpp>
00010 #include "GoEyeUtil.h"
00011 #include "GoGtpCommandUtil.h"
00012 #include "GoBoardUtil.h"
00013 #include "GoSafetySolver.h"
00014 #include "GoUctDefaultPriorKnowledge.h"
00015 #include "GoUctDefaultRootFilter.h"
00016 #include "GoUctEstimatorStat.h"
00017 #include "GoUctGlobalSearch.h"
00018 #include "GoUctPatterns.h"
00019 #include "GoUctPlayer.h"
00020 #include "GoUctPlayoutPolicy.h"
00021 #include "GoUctUtil.h"
00022 #include "GoUtil.h"
00023 #include "SgException.h"
00024 #include "SgPointSetUtil.h"
00025 #include "SgRestorer.h"
00026 #include "SgUctTreeUtil.h"
00027 #include "SgWrite.h"
00029 using namespace std;
00030 using boost::format;
00031 using GoGtpCommandUtil::BlackWhiteArg;
00032 using GoGtpCommandUtil::EmptyPointArg;
00033 using GoGtpCommandUtil::PointArg;
00035 typedef GoUctPlayer<GoUctGlobalSearch<GoUctPlayoutPolicy<GoUctBoard>,
00036                                       GoUctPlayoutPolicyFactory<GoUctBoard> >,
00037                     GoUctGlobalSearchState<GoUctPlayoutPolicy<GoUctBoard> > >
00038                     GoUctPlayerType;
00041 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00043 namespace {
00045 GoUctLiveGfx LiveGfxArg(const GtpCommand& cmd, size_t number)
00046 {
00047     string arg = cmd.ArgToLower(number);
00048     if (arg == "none")
00049         return GOUCT_LIVEGFX_NONE;
00050     if (arg == "counts")
00051         return GOUCT_LIVEGFX_COUNTS;
00052     if (arg == "sequence")
00053         return GOUCT_LIVEGFX_SEQUENCE;
00054     throw GtpFailure() << "unknown live-gfx argument \"" << arg << '"';
00055 }
00057 string LiveGfxToString(GoUctLiveGfx mode)
00058 {
00059     switch (mode)
00060     {
00061     case GOUCT_LIVEGFX_NONE:
00062         return "none";
00063     case GOUCT_LIVEGFX_COUNTS:
00064         return "counts";
00066         return "sequence";
00067     default:
00068         SG_ASSERT(false);
00069         return "?";
00070     }
00071 }
00073 SgUctMoveSelect MoveSelectArg(const GtpCommand& cmd, size_t number)
00074 {
00075     string arg = cmd.ArgToLower(number);
00076     if (arg == "value")
00077         return SG_UCTMOVESELECT_VALUE;
00078     if (arg == "count")
00079         return SG_UCTMOVESELECT_COUNT;
00080     if (arg == "bound")
00081         return SG_UCTMOVESELECT_BOUND;
00082     if (arg == "estimate")
00083         return SG_UCTMOVESELECT_ESTIMATE;
00084     throw GtpFailure() << "unknown move select argument \"" << arg << '"';
00085 }
00087 string MoveSelectToString(SgUctMoveSelect moveSelect)
00088 {
00089     switch (moveSelect)
00090     {
00092         return "value";
00094         return "count";
00096         return "bound";
00098         return "estimate";
00099     default:
00100         SG_ASSERT(false);
00101         return "?";
00102     }
00103 }
00105 GoUctGlobalSearchMode SearchModeArg(const GtpCommand& cmd, size_t number)
00106 {
00107     string arg = cmd.ArgToLower(number);
00108     if (arg == "playout_policy")
00110     if (arg == "uct")
00111         return GOUCT_SEARCHMODE_UCT;
00112     if (arg == "one_ply")
00113         return GOUCT_SEARCHMODE_ONEPLY;
00114     throw GtpFailure() << "unknown search mode argument \"" << arg << '"';
00115 }
00117 string SearchModeToString(GoUctGlobalSearchMode mode)
00118 {
00119     switch (mode)
00120     {
00122         return "playout_policy";
00123     case GOUCT_SEARCHMODE_UCT:
00124         return "uct";
00126         return "one_ply";
00127     default:
00128         SG_ASSERT(false);
00129         return "?";
00130     }
00131 }
00133 string KnowledgeThresholdToString(const std::vector<SgUctValue>& t)
00134 {
00135     if (t.empty())
00136         return "0";
00137     std::ostringstream os;
00138     os << '\"';
00139     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)
00140     {
00141         if (i > 0) 
00142             os << ' ';
00143         os << t[i];
00144     }
00145     os << '\"';
00146     return os.str();
00147 }
00149 std::vector<SgUctValue> KnowledgeThresholdFromString(const std::string& val)
00150 {
00151     std::vector<SgUctValue> v;
00152     std::istringstream is(val);
00153     std::size_t t;
00154     while (is >> t)
00155         v.push_back(SgUctValue(t));
00156     if (v.size() == 1 && v[0] == 0)
00157         v.clear();
00158     return v;
00159 }
00161 } // namespace
00163 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00165 GoUctCommands::GoUctCommands(const GoBoard& bd, GoPlayer*& player)
00166     : m_bd(bd),
00167       m_player(player)
00168 {
00169 }
00171 void GoUctCommands::AddGoGuiAnalyzeCommands(GtpCommand& cmd)
00172 {
00173     cmd <<
00174         "gfx/Uct Bounds/uct_bounds\n"
00175         "plist/Uct Default Policy/uct_default_policy\n"
00176         "gfx/Uct Gfx/uct_gfx\n"
00177         "none/Uct Max Memory/uct_max_memory %s\n"
00178         "plist/Uct Moves/uct_moves\n"
00179         "param/Uct Param GlobalSearch/uct_param_globalsearch\n"
00180         "param/Uct Param Policy/uct_param_policy\n"
00181         "param/Uct Param Player/uct_param_player\n"
00182         "param/Uct Param RootFilter/uct_param_rootfilter\n"
00183         "param/Uct Param Search/uct_param_search\n"
00184         "plist/Uct Patterns/uct_patterns\n"
00185         "pstring/Uct Policy Moves/uct_policy_moves\n"
00186         "gfx/Uct Prior Knowledge/uct_prior_knowledge\n"
00187         "sboard/Uct Rave Values/uct_rave_values\n"
00188         "plist/Uct Root Filter/uct_root_filter\n"
00189         "none/Uct SaveGames/uct_savegames %w\n"
00190         "none/Uct SaveTree/uct_savetree %w\n"
00191         "gfx/Uct Sequence/uct_sequence\n"
00192         "hstring/Uct Stat Player/uct_stat_player\n"
00193         "none/Uct Stat Player Clear/uct_stat_player_clear\n"
00194         "hstring/Uct Stat Policy/uct_stat_policy\n"
00195         "none/Uct Stat Policy Clear/uct_stat_policy_clear\n"
00196         "hstring/Uct Stat Search/uct_stat_search\n"
00197         "dboard/Uct Stat Territory/uct_stat_territory\n";
00198 }
00200 /** Show UCT bounds of moves in root node.
00201     This command is compatible with the GoGui analyze command type "gfx".
00202     Move bounds are shown as labels on the board, the pass move bound is
00203     shown as text in the status line.
00204     @see SgUctSearch::GetBound */
00205 void GoUctCommands::CmdBounds(GtpCommand& cmd)
00206 {
00207     cmd.CheckArgNone();
00208     const GoUctSearch& search = Search();
00209     const SgUctTree& tree = search.Tree();
00210     const SgUctNode& root = tree.Root();
00211     bool hasPass = false;
00212     SgUctValue passBound = 0;
00213     cmd << "LABEL";
00214     for (SgUctChildIterator it(tree, root); it; ++it)
00215     {
00216         const SgUctNode& child = *it;
00217         SgPoint move = child.Move();
00218         SgUctValue bound = search.GetBound(search.Rave(), root, child);
00219         if (move == SG_PASS)
00220         {
00221             hasPass = true;
00222             passBound = bound;
00223         }
00224         else
00225             cmd << ' ' << SgWritePoint(move) << ' ' << fixed
00226                 << setprecision(2) << bound;
00227     }
00228     cmd << '\n';
00229     if (hasPass)
00230         cmd << "TEXT PASS=" << fixed << setprecision(2) << passBound << '\n';
00231 }
00234 void GoUctCommands::CmdDefaultPolicy(GtpCommand& cmd)
00235 {
00236     cmd.CheckArgNone();
00237     GoUctDefaultPriorKnowledge knowledge(m_bd, GoUctPlayoutPolicyParam());
00238     SgPointSet pattern;
00239     SgPointSet atari;
00240     GoPointList empty;
00241     knowledge.FindGlobalPatternAndAtariMoves(pattern, atari, empty);
00242     cmd << SgWritePointSet(atari, "", false) << '\n';
00243 }
00245 /** Compute estimator statistics.
00246     Arguments: trueValueMaxGames maxGames stepSize fileName
00247     @see GoUctEstimatorStat::Compute() */
00248 void GoUctCommands::CmdEstimatorStat(GtpCommand& cmd)
00249 {
00250     cmd.CheckNuArg(4);
00251     size_t trueValueMaxGames = cmd.Arg<size_t>(0);
00252     size_t maxGames = cmd.Arg<size_t>(1);
00253     size_t stepSize = cmd.Arg<size_t>(2);
00254     string fileName = cmd.Arg(3);
00255     GoUctEstimatorStat::Compute(Search(), trueValueMaxGames, maxGames,
00256                                 stepSize, fileName);
00257 }
00259 /** Return final score.
00260     Does a small search and uses the territory statistics to determine the
00261     status of blocks. */
00262 void GoUctCommands::CmdFinalScore(GtpCommand& cmd)
00263 {
00264     cmd.CheckArgNone();
00265     SgPointSet deadStones = DoFinalStatusSearch();
00266     float score;
00267     if (! GoBoardUtil::ScorePosition(m_bd, deadStones, score))
00268         throw GtpFailure("cannot score");
00269     cmd << GoUtil::ScoreToString(score);
00270 }
00272 /** Return final status of stones.
00273     Does a small search and uses the territory statistics to determine the
00274     status of blocks. The engine cannot detect seki, so according to the
00275     GTP standard, all stones that are not dead are reported as alive, the
00276     response to seki is an empty list. <br>
00277     Arguments: alive|seki|dead */
00278 void GoUctCommands::CmdFinalStatusList(GtpCommand& cmd)
00279 {
00280     string arg = cmd.Arg();
00281     if (arg == "seki")
00282         return;
00283     bool getDead;
00284     if (arg == "alive")
00285         getDead = false;
00286     else if (arg == "dead")
00287         getDead = true;
00288     else
00289         throw GtpFailure("invalid final status argument");
00290     SgPointSet deadPoints = DoFinalStatusSearch();
00291     // According to GTP standard the response should be one string(=block)
00292     // per line
00293     for (GoBlockIterator it(m_bd); it; ++it)
00294     {
00295         if ((getDead && deadPoints.Contains(*it))
00296             || (! getDead && ! deadPoints.Contains(*it)))
00297         {
00298             for (GoBoard::StoneIterator it2(m_bd, *it); it2; ++it2)
00299                 cmd << SgWritePoint(*it2) << ' ';
00300                 cmd << '\n';
00301         }
00302     }
00303 }
00305 /** Show move values and sample numbers of last search.
00306     Arguments: none
00307     @see GoUctSearch::GoGuiGfx() */
00308 void GoUctCommands::CmdGfx(GtpCommand& cmd)
00309 {
00310     cmd.CheckArgNone();
00311     const GoUctSearch& s = Search();
00312     SgBlackWhite toPlay = s.ToPlay();
00313     GoUctUtil::GfxBestMove(s, toPlay, cmd);
00314     GoUctUtil::GfxMoveValues(s, toPlay, cmd);
00315     GoUctUtil::GfxCounts(s.Tree(), cmd);
00316     GoUctUtil::GfxStatus(s, cmd);
00317 }
00319 /** Computes the maximum number of nodes in search tree given the
00320     maximum allowed memory for the tree. Assumes two trees. Returns
00321     current memory usage if no arguments.
00322     Arguments: max memory for trees */
00323 void GoUctCommands::CmdMaxMemory(GtpCommand& cmd)
00324 {
00325     cmd.CheckNuArgLessEqual(1);
00326     if (cmd.NuArg() == 0)
00327         cmd << Search().MaxNodes() * 2 * sizeof(SgUctNode);
00328     else
00329     {
00330         std::size_t memory = cmd.ArgMin<size_t>(0, 2 * sizeof(SgUctNode));
00331         Search().SetMaxNodes(memory / 2 / sizeof(SgUctNode));
00332     }
00333 }
00335 /** Return a list of all moves that the search would generate in the current
00336     position.
00337     Arguments: none
00338     @see SgUctSearch::GenerateAllMoves() */
00339 void GoUctCommands::CmdMoves(GtpCommand& cmd)
00340 {
00341     cmd.CheckArgNone();
00342     vector<SgUctMoveInfo> moves;
00343     Search().GenerateAllMoves(moves);
00344     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < moves.size(); ++i)
00345         cmd << SgWritePoint(moves[i].m_move) << ' ';
00346     cmd << '\n';
00347 }
00349 /** Get and set GoUctGlobalSearch parameters.
00350     This command is compatible with the GoGui analyze command type "param".
00352     Parameters:
00353     @arg @c live_gfx See GoUctGlobalSearch::GlobalSearchLiveGfx
00354     @arg @c mercy_rule See GoUctGlobalSearchStateParam::m_mercyRule
00355     @arg @c territory_statistics See
00356         GoUctGlobalSearchStateParam::m_territoryStatistics
00357     @arg @c length_modification See
00358         GoUctGlobalSearchStateParam::m_langthModification
00359     @arg @c score_modification See
00360         GoUctGlobalSearchStateParam::m_scoreModification */
00361 void GoUctCommands::CmdParamGlobalSearch(GtpCommand& cmd)
00362 {
00363     cmd.CheckNuArgLessEqual(2);
00364     GoUctGlobalSearch<GoUctPlayoutPolicy<GoUctBoard>,
00365                       GoUctPlayoutPolicyFactory<GoUctBoard> >&
00366            s = GlobalSearch();
00367     GoUctGlobalSearchStateParam& p = s.m_param;
00368     if (cmd.NuArg() == 0)
00369     {
00370         // Boolean parameters first for better layout of GoGui parameter
00371         // dialog, alphabetically otherwise
00372         cmd << "[bool] live_gfx " << s.GlobalSearchLiveGfx() << '\n'
00373             << "[bool] mercy_rule " << p.m_mercyRule << '\n'
00374             << "[bool] territory_statistics " << p.m_territoryStatistics
00375             << '\n'
00376             << "[string] length_modification " << p.m_lengthModification
00377             << '\n'
00378             << "[string] score_modification " << p.m_scoreModification
00379             << '\n';
00380     }
00381     else if (cmd.NuArg() == 2)
00382     {
00383         string name = cmd.Arg(0);
00384         if (name == "live_gfx")
00385             s.SetGlobalSearchLiveGfx(cmd.Arg<bool>(1));
00386         else if (name == "mercy_rule")
00387             p.m_mercyRule = cmd.Arg<bool>(1);
00388         else if (name == "territory_statistics")
00389             p.m_territoryStatistics = cmd.Arg<bool>(1);
00390         else if (name == "length_modification")
00391             p.m_lengthModification = cmd.Arg<SgUctValue>(1);
00392         else if (name == "score_modification")
00393             p.m_scoreModification = cmd.Arg<SgUctValue>(1);
00394         else
00395             throw GtpFailure() << "unknown parameter: " << name;
00396     }
00397     else
00398         throw GtpFailure() << "need 0 or 2 arguments";
00399 }
00401 /** Get and set GoUctPlayer parameters.
00402     This command is compatible with the GoGui analyze command type "param".
00404     Parameters:
00405     @arg @c auto_param See GoUctPlayer::AutoParam
00406     @arg @c early_pass See GoUctPlayer::EarlyPass
00407     @arg @c forced_opening_moves See GoUctPlayer::ForcedOpeningMoves
00408     @arg @c ignore_clock See GoUctPlayer::IgnoreClock
00409     @arg @c ponder See GoUctPlayer::EnablePonder
00410     @arg @c reuse_subtree See GoUctPlayer::ReuseSubtree
00411     @arg @c use_root_filter See GoUctPlayer::UseRootFilter
00412     @arg @c max_games See GoUctPlayer::MaxGames
00413     @arg @c max_ponder_time See GoUctPlayer::MaxPonderTime
00414     @arg @c resign_min_games See GoUctPlayer::ResignMinGames
00415     @arg @c resign_threshold See GoUctPlayer::ResignThreshold
00416     @arg @c search_mode @c playout|uct|one_ply See GoUctPlayer::SearchMode */
00417 void GoUctCommands::CmdParamPlayer(GtpCommand& cmd)
00418 {
00419     cmd.CheckNuArgLessEqual(2);
00420     GoUctPlayerType& p = Player();
00421     if (cmd.NuArg() == 0)
00422     {
00423         // Boolean parameters first for better layout of GoGui parameter
00424         // dialog, alphabetically otherwise
00425         cmd << "[bool] auto_param " << p.AutoParam() << '\n'
00426             << "[bool] early_pass " << p.EarlyPass() << '\n'
00427             << "[bool] forced_opening_moves " << p.ForcedOpeningMoves() << '\n'
00428             << "[bool] ignore_clock " << p.IgnoreClock() << '\n'
00429             << "[bool] ponder " << p.EnablePonder() << '\n'
00430             << "[bool] reuse_subtree " << p.ReuseSubtree() << '\n'
00431             << "[bool] use_root_filter " << p.UseRootFilter() << '\n'
00432             << "[string] max_games " << p.MaxGames() << '\n'
00433             << "[string] max_ponder_time " << p.MaxPonderTime() << '\n'
00434             << "[string] resign_min_games " << p.ResignMinGames() << '\n'
00435             << "[string] resign_threshold " << p.ResignThreshold() << '\n'
00436             << "[list/playout_policy/uct/one_ply] search_mode "
00437             << SearchModeToString(p.SearchMode()) << '\n';
00438     }
00439     else if (cmd.NuArg() >= 1 && cmd.NuArg() <= 2)
00440     {
00441         string name = cmd.Arg(0);
00442         if (name == "auto_param")
00443             p.SetAutoParam(cmd.Arg<bool>(1));
00444         else if (name == "early_pass")
00445             p.SetEarlyPass(cmd.Arg<bool>(1));
00446         else if (name == "forced_opening_moves")
00447             p.SetForcedOpeningMoves(cmd.Arg<bool>(1));
00448         else if (name == "ignore_clock")
00449             p.SetIgnoreClock(cmd.Arg<bool>(1));
00450         else if (name == "ponder")
00451             p.SetEnablePonder(cmd.Arg<bool>(1));
00452         else if (name == "reuse_subtree")
00453             p.SetReuseSubtree(cmd.Arg<bool>(1));
00454         else if (name == "use_root_filter")
00455             p.SetUseRootFilter(cmd.Arg<bool>(1));
00456         else if (name == "max_games")
00457             p.SetMaxGames(cmd.ArgMin<SgUctValue>(1, SgUctValue(1)));
00458         else if (name == "max_ponder_time")
00459             p.SetMaxPonderTime(cmd.ArgMin<SgUctValue>(1, 0));
00460         else if (name == "resign_min_games")
00461             p.SetResignMinGames(cmd.ArgMin<SgUctValue>(1, SgUctValue(0)));
00462         else if (name == "resign_threshold")
00463             p.SetResignThreshold(cmd.ArgMinMax<SgUctValue>(1, 0, 1));
00464         else if (name == "search_mode")
00465             p.SetSearchMode(SearchModeArg(cmd, 1));
00466         else
00467             throw GtpFailure() << "unknown parameter: " << name;
00468     }
00469     else
00470         throw GtpFailure() << "need 0 or 2 arguments";
00471 }
00473 /** Get and set GoUctPlayoutPolicy parameters.
00474     This command is compatible with the GoGui analyze command type "param".
00476     Parameters:
00477     @arg @c statistics_enabled
00478         See GoUctPlayoutPolicyParam::m_statisticsEnabled
00479     @arg @c nakade_heuristic
00480         See GoUctPlayoutPolicyParam::m_useNakadeHeuristic
00481     @arg @c fillboard_tries
00482         See GoUctPlayoutPolicyParam::m_fillboardTries */
00483 void GoUctCommands::CmdParamPolicy(GtpCommand& cmd)
00484 {
00485     cmd.CheckNuArgLessEqual(2);
00486     GoUctPlayoutPolicyParam& p = Player().m_playoutPolicyParam;
00487     if (cmd.NuArg() == 0)
00488     {
00489         // Boolean parameters first for better layout of GoGui parameter
00490         // dialog, alphabetically otherwise
00491         cmd << "[bool] nakade_heuristic " << p.m_useNakadeHeuristic << '\n'
00492             << "[bool] statistics_enabled " << p.m_statisticsEnabled << '\n'
00493             << "fillboard_tries " << p.m_fillboardTries << '\n';
00494     }
00495     else if (cmd.NuArg() == 2)
00496     {
00497         string name = cmd.Arg(0);
00498         if (name == "nakade_heuristic")
00499             p.m_useNakadeHeuristic = cmd.Arg<bool>(1);
00500         else if (name == "statistics_enabled")
00501             p.m_statisticsEnabled = cmd.Arg<bool>(1);
00502         else if (name == "fillboard_tries")
00503             p.m_fillboardTries = cmd.Arg<int>(1);
00504         else
00505             throw GtpFailure() << "unknown parameter: " << name;
00506     }
00507     else
00508         throw GtpFailure() << "need 0 or 2 arguments";
00509 }
00511 /** Get and set GoUctDefaultRootFilter parameters.
00512     This command is compatible with the GoGui analyze command type "param".
00514     Parameters:
00515     @arg @c check_ladders See GoUctDefaultRootFilter::CheckLadders() */
00516 void GoUctCommands::CmdParamRootFilter(GtpCommand& cmd)
00517 {
00518     cmd.CheckNuArgLessEqual(2);
00519     GoUctDefaultRootFilter* f =
00520         dynamic_cast<GoUctDefaultRootFilter*>(&Player().RootFilter());
00521     if (f == 0)
00522         throw GtpFailure("root filter is not GoUctDefaultRootFilter");
00523     if (cmd.NuArg() == 0)
00524     {
00525         // Boolean parameters first for better layout of GoGui parameter
00526         // dialog, alphabetically otherwise
00527         cmd << "[bool] check_ladders " << f->CheckLadders() << '\n';
00528     }
00529     else if (cmd.NuArg() == 2)
00530     {
00531         string name = cmd.Arg(0);
00532         if (name == "check_ladders")
00533             f->SetCheckLadders(cmd.Arg<bool>(1));
00534         else
00535             throw GtpFailure() << "unknown parameter: " << name;
00536     }
00537     else
00538         throw GtpFailure() << "need 0 or 2 arguments";
00539 }
00541 /** Get and set SgUctSearch and GoUctSearch parameters.
00542     This command is compatible with the GoGui analyze command type "param".
00544     Parameters:
00545     @arg @c check_float_precision See GoUctSearch::CheckFloatPrecision
00546     @arg @c keep_games See GoUctSearch::KeepGames
00547     @arg @c lock_free See SgUctSearch::LockFree
00548     @arg @c log_games See SgUctSearch::LogGames
00549     @arg @c prune_full_tree See SgUctSearch::PruneFullTree
00550     @arg @c rave See SgUctSearch::Rave
00551     @arg @c weight_rave_updates SgUctSearch::WeightRaveUpdates
00552     @arg @c bias_term_constant See SgUctSearch::BiasTermConstant
00553     @arg @c expand_threshold See SgUctSearch::ExpandThreshold
00554     @arg @c first_play_urgency See SgUctSearch::FirstPlayUrgency
00555     @arg @c knowledge_threshold See SgUctSearch::KnowledgeThreshold
00556     @arg @c live_gfx @c none|counts|sequence See GoUctSearch::LiveGfx
00557     @arg @c live_gfx_interval See GoUctSearch::LiveGfxInterval
00558     @arg @c max_nodes See SgUctSearch::MaxNodes
00559     @arg @c move_select @c value|count|bound|rave See SgUctSearch::MoveSelect
00560     @arg @c number_threads See SgUctSearch::NumberThreads
00561     @arg @c number_playouts See SgUctSearch::NumberPlayouts
00562     @arg @c prune_min_count See SgUctSearch::PruneMinCount
00563     @arg @c rave_weight_final See SgUctSearch::RaveWeightFinal
00564     @arg @c rave_weight_initial See SgUctSearch::RaveWeightInitial */
00565 void GoUctCommands::CmdParamSearch(GtpCommand& cmd)
00566 {
00567     cmd.CheckNuArgLessEqual(2);
00568     GoUctSearch& s = Search();
00569     if (cmd.NuArg() == 0)
00570     {
00571         // Boolean parameters first for better layout of GoGui parameter
00572         // dialog, alphabetically otherwise
00573         cmd << "[bool] check_float_precision " << s.CheckFloatPrecision()
00574             << '\n'
00575             << "[bool] keep_games " << s.KeepGames() << '\n'
00576             << "[bool] lock_free " << s.LockFree() << '\n'
00577             << "[bool] log_games " << s.LogGames() << '\n'
00578             << "[bool] prune_full_tree " << s.PruneFullTree() << '\n'
00579             << "[bool] rave " << s.Rave() << '\n'
00580             << "[bool] virtual_loss " << s.VirtualLoss() << '\n'
00581             << "[bool] weight_rave_updates " << s.WeightRaveUpdates() << '\n'
00582             << "[string] bias_term_constant " << s.BiasTermConstant() << '\n'
00583             << "[string] expand_threshold " << s.ExpandThreshold() << '\n'
00584             << "[string] first_play_urgency " << s.FirstPlayUrgency() << '\n'
00585             << "[string] knowledge_threshold "
00586             << KnowledgeThresholdToString(s.KnowledgeThreshold()) << '\n'
00587             << "[list/none/counts/sequence] live_gfx "
00588             << LiveGfxToString(s.LiveGfx()) << '\n'
00589             << "[string] live_gfx_interval " << s.LiveGfxInterval() << '\n'
00590             << "[string] max_nodes " << s.MaxNodes() << '\n'
00591             << "[list/value/count/bound/estimate] move_select "
00592             << MoveSelectToString(s.MoveSelect()) << '\n'
00593             << "[string] number_threads " << s.NumberThreads() << '\n'
00594             << "[string] number_playouts " << s.NumberPlayouts() << '\n'
00595             << "[string] prune_min_count " << s.PruneMinCount() << '\n'
00596             << "[string] randomize_rave_frequency " 
00597             << s.RandomizeRaveFrequency() << '\n'
00598             << "[string] rave_weight_final " << s.RaveWeightFinal() << '\n'
00599             << "[string] rave_weight_initial "
00600             << s.RaveWeightInitial() << '\n';
00602     }
00603     else if (cmd.NuArg() == 2)
00604     {
00605         string name = cmd.Arg(0);
00606         if (name == "check_float_precision")
00607             s.SetCheckFloatPrecision(cmd.Arg<bool>(1));
00608         else if (name == "keep_games")
00609             s.SetKeepGames(cmd.Arg<bool>(1));
00610         else if (name == "knowledge_threshold")
00611             s.SetKnowledgeThreshold(KnowledgeThresholdFromString(cmd.Arg(1)));
00612         else if (name == "lock_free")
00613             s.SetLockFree(cmd.Arg<bool>(1));
00614         else if (name == "log_games")
00615             s.SetLogGames(cmd.Arg<bool>(1));
00616         else if (name == "prune_full_tree")
00617             s.SetPruneFullTree(cmd.Arg<bool>(1));
00618         else if (name == "randomize_rave_frequency")
00619             s.SetRandomizeRaveFrequency(cmd.ArgMin<int>(1, 0));
00620         else if (name == "rave")
00621             s.SetRave(cmd.Arg<bool>(1));
00622         else if (name == "weight_rave_updates")
00623             s.SetWeightRaveUpdates(cmd.Arg<bool>(1));
00624         else if (name == "virtual_loss")
00625             s.SetVirtualLoss(cmd.Arg<bool>(1));
00626         else if (name == "bias_term_constant")
00627             s.SetBiasTermConstant(cmd.Arg<float>(1));
00628         else if (name == "expand_threshold")
00629             s.SetExpandThreshold(cmd.ArgMin<SgUctValue>(1, 0));
00630         else if (name == "first_play_urgency")
00631             s.SetFirstPlayUrgency(cmd.Arg<SgUctValue>(1));
00632         else if (name == "live_gfx")
00633             s.SetLiveGfx(LiveGfxArg(cmd, 1));
00634         else if (name == "live_gfx_interval")
00635             s.SetLiveGfxInterval(cmd.ArgMin<SgUctValue>(1, 1));
00636         else if (name == "max_nodes")
00637             s.SetMaxNodes(cmd.ArgMin<size_t>(1, 1));
00638         else if (name == "move_select")
00639             s.SetMoveSelect(MoveSelectArg(cmd, 1));
00640         else if (name == "number_threads")
00641             s.SetNumberThreads(cmd.ArgMin<unsigned int>(1, 1));
00642         else if (name == "number_playouts")
00643             s.SetNumberPlayouts(cmd.ArgMin<int>(1, 1));
00644         else if (name == "prune_min_count")
00645             s.SetPruneMinCount(cmd.ArgMin<SgUctValue>(1, SgUctValue(1)));
00646         else if (name == "rave_weight_final")
00647             s.SetRaveWeightFinal(cmd.Arg<float>(1));
00648         else if (name == "rave_weight_initial")
00649             s.SetRaveWeightInitial(cmd.Arg<float>(1));
00650         else
00651             throw GtpFailure() << "unknown parameter: " << name;
00652     }
00653     else
00654         throw GtpFailure() << "need 0 or 2 arguments";
00655 }
00657 /** Show matching patterns.
00658     Returns: List of points for matching patterns
00659     @see GoUctPatterns */
00660 void GoUctCommands::CmdPatterns(GtpCommand& cmd)
00661 {
00662     cmd.CheckArgNone();
00663     GoUctPatterns<GoBoard> patterns(m_bd);
00664     for (GoBoard::Iterator it(m_bd); it; ++it)
00665         if (m_bd.IsEmpty(*it) && patterns.MatchAny(*it))
00666             cmd << SgWritePoint(*it) << ' ';
00667 }
00669 /** Return equivalent best moves in playout policy.
00670     See GoUctPlayoutPolicy::GetEquivalentBestMoves() <br>
00671     Arguments: none <br>
00672     Returns: Move type string followed by move list on a single line. */
00673 void GoUctCommands::CmdPolicyMoves(GtpCommand& cmd)
00674 {
00675     cmd.CheckArgNone();
00676     GoUctPlayoutPolicy<GoBoard> policy(m_bd, Player().m_playoutPolicyParam);
00677     policy.StartPlayout();
00678     policy.GenerateMove();
00679     cmd << GoUctPlayoutPolicyTypeStr(policy.MoveType());
00680     GoPointList moves = policy.GetEquivalentBestMoves();
00681     // Sort for deterministic response
00682     // (GoUctPlayoutPolicy::GetEquivalentBestMoves() does not return
00683     // a deterministic list, because GoUctUtil::SelectRandom() may modify
00684     // the list in a non-deterministic way)
00685     moves.Sort();
00686     for (int i = 0; i < moves.Length(); ++i)
00687         cmd << ' ' << SgWritePoint(moves[i]);
00688 }
00690 /** Show prior knowledge.
00691     The response is compatible to the GoGui analyze command type @c
00692     gfx and shows the prior knowledge values as influence and the
00693     counts as labels. */
00694 void GoUctCommands::CmdPriorKnowledge(GtpCommand& cmd)
00695 {
00696     cmd.CheckNuArgLessEqual(1);
00697     SgUctValue count = 0;
00698     if (cmd.NuArg() == 1)
00699         count = SgUctValue(cmd.ArgMin<size_t>(0, 0));
00700     GoUctGlobalSearchState<GoUctPlayoutPolicy<GoUctBoard> >& state
00701         = ThreadState(0);
00702     state.StartSearch(); // Updates thread state board
00703     vector<SgUctMoveInfo> moves;
00704     SgUctProvenType provenType;
00705     state.GenerateAllMoves(count, moves, provenType);
00707     cmd << "INFLUENCE ";
00708     for (size_t i = 0; i < moves.size(); ++i) 
00709     {
00710         SgMove move = moves[i].m_move;
00711         SgUctValue value = SgUctSearch::InverseEval(moves[i].m_value);
00712         SgUctValue count = moves[i].m_count;
00713         if (count > 0)
00714         {
00715             SgUctValue scaledValue = (value * 2 - 1);
00716             if (m_bd.ToPlay() != SG_BLACK)
00717                 scaledValue *= -1;
00718             cmd << ' ' << SgWritePoint(move) << ' ' << scaledValue;
00719         }
00720     }
00721     cmd << "\nLABEL ";
00722     for (size_t i = 0; i < moves.size(); ++i)
00723     {
00724         SgMove move = moves[i].m_move;
00725         SgUctValue count = moves[i].m_count;
00726         if (count > 0)
00727             cmd << ' ' << SgWritePoint(move) << ' ' << count;
00728     }
00729     cmd << '\n';
00730 }
00732 /** Show RAVE values of last search at root position.
00733     This command is compatible to the GoGui analyze command type @c sboard.
00734     The values are scaled to [-1,+1] from Black's point of view.
00735     @see SgUctSearch::Rave */
00736 void GoUctCommands::CmdRaveValues(GtpCommand& cmd)
00737 {
00738     cmd.CheckArgNone();
00739     const GoUctSearch& search = Search();
00740     if (! search.Rave())
00741         throw GtpFailure("RAVE not enabled");
00742     SgPointArray<string> array("\"\"");
00743     const SgUctTree& tree = search.Tree();
00744     for (SgUctChildIterator it(tree, tree.Root()); it; ++it)
00745     {
00746         const SgUctNode& child = *it;
00747         SgPoint p = child.Move();
00748         if (p == SG_PASS || ! child.HasRaveValue())
00749             continue;
00750         ostringstream out;
00751         out << fixed << setprecision(2) << child.RaveValue();
00752         array[p] = out.str();
00753     }
00754     cmd << '\n'
00755         << SgWritePointArray<string>(array, m_bd.Size());
00756 }
00758 /** Return filtered root moves.
00759     @see GoUctRootFilter::Get() */
00760 void GoUctCommands::CmdRootFilter(GtpCommand& cmd)
00761 {
00762     cmd.CheckArgNone();
00763     cmd << SgWritePointList(Player().RootFilter().Get(), "", false);
00764 }
00766 /** Save the UCT tree in SGF format.
00767     Arguments: filename [max_depth] <br>
00768     max_depth is an optional argument to cut the tree at a certain depth
00769     (the root node has depth 0). If it is not used, the full tree will be
00770     saved.
00771     @see GoUctSearch::SaveTree() */
00772 void GoUctCommands::CmdSaveTree(GtpCommand& cmd)
00773 {
00774     if (Search().MpiSynchronizer()->IsRootProcess())
00775     {
00776     cmd.CheckNuArgLessEqual(2);
00777     string fileName = cmd.Arg(0);
00778     int maxDepth = -1;
00779     if (cmd.NuArg() == 2)
00780         maxDepth = cmd.ArgMin<int>(1, 0);
00781     ofstream out(fileName.c_str());
00782     if (! out)
00783         throw GtpFailure() << "Could not open " << fileName;
00784     Search().SaveTree(out, maxDepth);
00785     }
00786 }
00788 /** Save all random games.
00789     Arguments: filename
00790     @see GoUctSearch::SaveGames() */
00791 void GoUctCommands::CmdSaveGames(GtpCommand& cmd)
00792 {
00793     string fileName = cmd.Arg();
00794     try
00795     {
00796         Search().SaveGames(fileName);
00797     }
00798     catch (const SgException& e)
00799     {
00800         throw GtpFailure(e.what());
00801     }
00802 }
00804 /** Count the score using the scoring function of UCT.
00805     Arguments: none <br>
00806     Returns: Score (Win/Loss)
00807     @see GoBoardUtil::ScoreSimpleEndPosition() */
00808 void GoUctCommands::CmdScore(GtpCommand& cmd)
00809 {
00810     cmd.CheckArgNone();
00811     try
00812     {
00813         float komi = m_bd.Rules().Komi().ToFloat();
00814         cmd << GoBoardUtil::ScoreSimpleEndPosition(m_bd, komi);
00815     }
00816     catch (const SgException& e)
00817     {
00818         throw GtpFailure(e.what());
00819     }
00820 }
00822 /** Show the best sequence from last search.
00823     This command is compatible with the GoGui analyze command type "gfx"
00824     (There is no "var" command type supported in GoGui 1.1, which allows
00825     to specify the first color to move within the response, and this command
00826     returns the sequence of the last search, which is unrelated to the current
00827     color to play on the board.) <br>
00828     Arguments: none */
00829 void GoUctCommands::CmdSequence(GtpCommand& cmd)
00830 {
00831     cmd.CheckArgNone();
00832     GoUctUtil::GfxSequence(Search(), Search().ToPlay(), cmd);
00833 }
00835 /** Write statistics of GoUctPlayer.
00836     Arguments: none
00837     @see GoUctPlayer::Statistics */
00838 void GoUctCommands::CmdStatPlayer(GtpCommand& cmd)
00839 {
00840     cmd.CheckArgNone();
00841     Player().GetStatistics().Write(cmd);
00842 }
00844 /** Clear statistics of GoUctPlayer.
00845     Arguments: none
00846     @see GoUctPlayer::Statistics */
00847 void GoUctCommands::CmdStatPlayerClear(GtpCommand& cmd)
00848 {
00849     cmd.CheckArgNone();
00850     Player().ClearStatistics();
00851 }
00853 /** Write statistics of playout policy.
00854     Arguments: none <br>
00855     Needs enabling the statistics with
00856     <code>uct_param_policy statistics_enabled</code>
00857     Only the statistics of the first thread's policy used.
00858     @see GoUctPlayoutPolicyStat */
00859 void GoUctCommands::CmdStatPolicy(GtpCommand& cmd)
00860 {
00861     cmd.CheckArgNone();
00862     if (! Player().m_playoutPolicyParam.m_statisticsEnabled)
00863         SgWarning() << "statistics not enabled in policy parameters\n";
00864     cmd << "Black Statistics:\n";
00865     Policy(0).Statistics(SG_BLACK).Write(cmd);
00866     cmd << "\nWhite Statistics:\n";
00867     Policy(0).Statistics(SG_WHITE).Write(cmd);
00868 }
00870 /** Clear statistics of GoUctPlayoutPolicy
00871     Arguments: none <br>
00872     Only the statistics of the first thread's policy used.
00873     @see GoUctPlayoutPolicyStat */
00874 void GoUctCommands::CmdStatPolicyClear(GtpCommand& cmd)
00875 {
00876     cmd.CheckArgNone();
00877     Policy(0).ClearStatistics();
00878 }
00880 /** Write statistics of search and tree.
00881     Arguments: none
00882     @see SgUctSearch::WriteStatistics() */
00883 void GoUctCommands::CmdStatSearch(GtpCommand& cmd)
00884 {
00885     cmd.CheckArgNone();
00886     const GoUctSearch& search = Search();
00887     SgUctTreeStatistics treeStatistics;
00888     treeStatistics.Compute(search.Tree());
00889     cmd << "SearchStatistics:\n";
00890     search.WriteStatistics(cmd);
00891     cmd << "TreeStatistics:\n"
00892         << treeStatistics;
00893 }
00895 /** Write average point status.
00896     This command is compatible with the GoGui analyze type @c dboard. <br>
00897     Statistics are only collected, if enabled with
00898     <code>uct_param_global_search territory_statistics 1</code>. <br>
00899     Arguments: none
00900     @see GoUctGlobalSearchState::m_territoryStatistics */
00901 void GoUctCommands::CmdStatTerritory(GtpCommand& cmd)
00902 {
00903     cmd.CheckArgNone();
00904     SgPointArray<SgUctStatistics> territoryStatistics
00905         = ThreadState(0).m_territoryStatistics;
00906     SgPointArray<SgUctValue> array;
00907     for (GoBoard::Iterator it(m_bd); it; ++it)
00908     {
00909         if (territoryStatistics[*it].Count() == 0)
00910             throw GtpFailure("no statistics available: enable them and run search first");
00911         array[*it] = territoryStatistics[*it].Mean() * 2 - 1;
00912     }
00913     cmd << '\n'
00914         << SgWritePointArrayFloat<SgUctValue>(array, m_bd.Size(), true, 3);
00915 }
00917 /** Return value of root node from last search.
00918     Arguments: none */
00919 void GoUctCommands::CmdValue(GtpCommand& cmd)
00920 {
00921     cmd.CheckArgNone();
00922     cmd << Search().Tree().Root().Mean();
00923 }
00925 /** Return value of root node from last search, from Black's point of view.
00926     Arguments: none */
00927 void GoUctCommands::CmdValueBlack(GtpCommand& cmd)
00928 {
00929     cmd.CheckArgNone();
00930     SgUctValue value = Search().Tree().Root().Mean();
00931     if (Search().ToPlay() == SG_WHITE)
00932         value = SgUctSearch::InverseEval(value);
00933     cmd << value;
00934 }
00936 /** Do a small search with territory statistics enabled to determine what
00937     blocks are dead for the final_status_list and final_score commands.
00938     @return Point set containing dead stones. */
00939 SgPointSet GoUctCommands::DoFinalStatusSearch()
00940 {
00941     SgPointSet deadStones;
00942     if (GoBoardUtil::TwoPasses(m_bd) && m_bd.Rules().CaptureDead())
00943         // Everything is alive if end position and Tromp-Taylor rules
00944         return deadStones;
00946     const size_t MAX_GAMES = 10000;
00947     SgDebug() << "GoUctCommands::DoFinalStatusSearch: doing a search with "
00948               << MAX_GAMES << " games to determine final status\n";
00949     GoUctGlobalSearch<GoUctPlayoutPolicy<GoUctBoard>,
00950                       GoUctPlayoutPolicyFactory<GoUctBoard> >&
00951         search = GlobalSearch();
00952     SgRestorer<bool> restorer(&search.m_param.m_territoryStatistics);
00953     search.m_param.m_territoryStatistics = true;
00954     // Undo passes, because UCT search always scores with Tromp-Taylor after
00955     // two passes in-tree
00956     int nuUndoPass = 0;
00957     SgBlackWhite toPlay = m_bd.ToPlay();
00958     GoModBoard modBoard(m_bd);
00959     GoBoard& bd = modBoard.Board();
00960     while (bd.GetLastMove() == SG_PASS)
00961     {
00962         bd.Undo();
00963         toPlay = SgOppBW(toPlay);
00964         ++nuUndoPass;
00965     }
00966     m_player->UpdateSubscriber();
00967     if (nuUndoPass > 0)
00968         SgDebug() << "Undoing " << nuUndoPass << " passes\n";
00969     vector<SgMove> sequence;
00970     search.Search(MAX_GAMES, numeric_limits<double>::max(), sequence);
00971     SgDebug() << SgWriteLabel("Sequence")
00972               << SgWritePointList(sequence, "", false);
00973     for (int i = 0; i < nuUndoPass; ++i)
00974     {
00975         bd.Play(SG_PASS, toPlay);
00976         toPlay = SgOppBW(toPlay);
00977     }
00978     m_player->UpdateSubscriber();
00980     SgPointArray<SgUctStatistics> territoryStatistics =
00981         ThreadState(0).m_territoryStatistics;
00982     GoSafetySolver safetySolver(bd);
00983     SgBWSet safe;
00984     safetySolver.FindSafePoints(&safe);
00985     for (GoBlockIterator it(bd); it; ++it)
00986     {
00987         SgBlackWhite c = bd.GetStone(*it);
00988         bool isDead = safe[SgOppBW(c)].Contains(*it);
00989         if (! isDead && ! safe[c].Contains(*it))
00990         {
00991             SgStatistics<SgUctValue,int> averageStatus;
00992             for (GoBoard::StoneIterator it2(bd, *it); it2; ++it2)
00993             {
00994                 if (territoryStatistics[*it2].Count() == 0)
00995                     // No statistics, maybe all simulations aborted due to
00996                     // max length or mercy rule.
00997                     return deadStones;
00998                 averageStatus.Add(territoryStatistics[*it2].Mean());
00999             }
01000             const float threshold = 0.3f;
01001             isDead =
01002                 ((c == SG_BLACK && averageStatus.Mean() < threshold)
01003                  || (c == SG_WHITE && averageStatus.Mean() > 1 - threshold));
01004         }
01005         if (isDead)
01006             for (GoBoard::StoneIterator it2(bd, *it); it2; ++it2)
01007                 deadStones.Include(*it2);
01008     }
01009     return deadStones;
01010 }
01012 GoUctGlobalSearch<GoUctPlayoutPolicy<GoUctBoard>,
01013                       GoUctPlayoutPolicyFactory<GoUctBoard> >&
01014 GoUctCommands::GlobalSearch()
01015 {
01016     return Player().GlobalSearch();
01017 }
01019 GoUctPlayerType& GoUctCommands::Player()
01020 {
01021     if (m_player == 0)
01022         throw GtpFailure("player not GoUctPlayer");
01023     try
01024     {
01025         return dynamic_cast<GoUctPlayerType&>(*m_player);
01026     }
01027     catch (const bad_cast&)
01028     {
01029         throw GtpFailure("player not GoUctPlayer");
01030     }
01031 }
01033 GoUctPlayoutPolicy<GoUctBoard>&
01034 GoUctCommands::Policy(unsigned int threadId)
01035 {
01036     GoUctPlayoutPolicy<GoUctBoard>* policy =
01037         dynamic_cast<GoUctPlayoutPolicy<GoUctBoard>*>(
01038                                               ThreadState(threadId).Policy());
01039     if (policy == 0)
01040         throw GtpFailure("player has no GoUctPlayoutPolicy");
01041     return *policy;
01042 }
01044 void GoUctCommands::Register(GtpEngine& e)
01045 {
01046     Register(e, "final_score", &GoUctCommands::CmdFinalScore);
01047     Register(e, "final_status_list", &GoUctCommands::CmdFinalStatusList);
01048     Register(e, "uct_bounds", &GoUctCommands::CmdBounds);
01049     Register(e, "uct_default_policy", &GoUctCommands::CmdDefaultPolicy);
01050     Register(e, "uct_estimator_stat", &GoUctCommands::CmdEstimatorStat);
01051     Register(e, "uct_gfx", &GoUctCommands::CmdGfx);
01052     Register(e, "uct_max_memory", &GoUctCommands::CmdMaxMemory);
01053     Register(e, "uct_moves", &GoUctCommands::CmdMoves);
01054     Register(e, "uct_param_globalsearch",
01055              &GoUctCommands::CmdParamGlobalSearch);
01056     Register(e, "uct_param_policy", &GoUctCommands::CmdParamPolicy);
01057     Register(e, "uct_param_player", &GoUctCommands::CmdParamPlayer);
01058     Register(e, "uct_param_rootfilter", &GoUctCommands::CmdParamRootFilter);
01059     Register(e, "uct_param_search", &GoUctCommands::CmdParamSearch);
01060     Register(e, "uct_patterns", &GoUctCommands::CmdPatterns);
01061     Register(e, "uct_policy_moves", &GoUctCommands::CmdPolicyMoves);
01062     Register(e, "uct_prior_knowledge", &GoUctCommands::CmdPriorKnowledge);
01063     Register(e, "uct_rave_values", &GoUctCommands::CmdRaveValues);
01064     Register(e, "uct_root_filter", &GoUctCommands::CmdRootFilter);
01065     Register(e, "uct_savegames", &GoUctCommands::CmdSaveGames);
01066     Register(e, "uct_savetree", &GoUctCommands::CmdSaveTree);
01067     Register(e, "uct_sequence", &GoUctCommands::CmdSequence);
01068     Register(e, "uct_score", &GoUctCommands::CmdScore);
01069     Register(e, "uct_stat_player", &GoUctCommands::CmdStatPlayer);
01070     Register(e, "uct_stat_player_clear", &GoUctCommands::CmdStatPlayerClear);
01071     Register(e, "uct_stat_policy", &GoUctCommands::CmdStatPolicy);
01072     Register(e, "uct_stat_policy_clear", &GoUctCommands::CmdStatPolicyClear);
01073     Register(e, "uct_stat_search", &GoUctCommands::CmdStatSearch);
01074     Register(e, "uct_stat_territory", &GoUctCommands::CmdStatTerritory);
01075     Register(e, "uct_value", &GoUctCommands::CmdValue);
01076     Register(e, "uct_value_black", &GoUctCommands::CmdValueBlack);
01077 }
01079 void GoUctCommands::Register(GtpEngine& engine, const std::string& command,
01080                              GtpCallback<GoUctCommands>::Method method)
01081 {
01082     engine.Register(command, new GtpCallback<GoUctCommands>(this, method));
01083 }
01085 GoUctSearch& GoUctCommands::Search()
01086 {
01087     try
01088     {
01089         GoUctObjectWithSearch& object =
01090             dynamic_cast<GoUctObjectWithSearch&>(*m_player);
01091         return object.Search();
01092     }
01093     catch (const bad_cast&)
01094     {
01095         throw GtpFailure("player is not a GoUctObjectWithSearch");
01096     }
01097 }
01099 /** Return state of first thread, if search is of type GoUctGlobalSearch.
01100     @throws GtpFailure, if search is a different subclass or threads are not
01101     yet created. */
01102 GoUctGlobalSearchState<GoUctPlayoutPolicy<GoUctBoard> >&
01103 GoUctCommands::ThreadState(unsigned int threadId)
01104 {
01105     GoUctSearch& search = Search();
01106     if (! search.ThreadsCreated())
01107         search.CreateThreads();
01108     try
01109     {
01110         return dynamic_cast<
01111              GoUctGlobalSearchState<GoUctPlayoutPolicy<GoUctBoard> >&>(
01112                                                 search.ThreadState(threadId));
01113     }
01114     catch (const bad_cast&)
01115     {
01116         throw GtpFailure("player has no GoUctGlobalSearchState");
01117     }
01118 }
01120 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sun Mar 13 2011 Doxygen 1.7.1